Transformative, safe spaces.

Psychedelic Preparation, Trip Sitting, and Integration

Work With Our Certified, Trauma-Informed, Harm Reduction and Integration Specialist to guide your transformative experiences before, during, and after.

HAI House professionals hold each of the following certifications and educational background:

  1. Zendo Project Psychedelic Peer Support and Integration 4-week training

  2. Trauma + Somatics 35- hour Practitioner Certificate

  3. VITAL Psychedelic Training for Psychedelic-Informed Harm Reduction and Integration Certification (12-month course)

  4. Clinical Psychology B.A. or above

  5. Lived experience in therapeutic plant and fungi medicine experiences (we’ve been there!)

  • Psychedelic Experience Preparation

    Preparation is imperative for a safe journey. Our preparation includes a non-medical assessment, discussion of intention, set, setting, previous experiences (if any), what to expect, and post-experience integration plans all guided by harm reduction and trauma-informed principles.

  • Trip Sitting + Safe Space

    Trip sitting is not a guided experience, it is a companion trained in psychedelic-informed harm reduction and peer support who is with you on your journey. This includes a safe, energetically cleansed space, and a trained companion to monitor your safety and make sure you have what you need in your process. Having a trip sitter can create a safe setting for those who feel called to have extra support.

  • Psychedelic Integration

    Integration is the most important part of the transformative experience. HAI House facilitates a plan for integration pre-journey and assists in executing that plan post-journey with a support guide specially trained in psychedelic integration as well as built in community support. This includes discussion and discovery, somatic integration, establishment of new personal practice, and more.